Application for Registration into the Electronic Tolling System in the SR under the Prepaid Toll Regime - Ukrainian (Заява про реєстрацію до Електронної митної системи в СР у Режимі передоплати мита)
Application for Registration into the Electronic Tolling System in the SR under the Prepaid Toll Regime - Turkish (KAYIT TALEBİ Slovakya Cumhuriyet elektronik yol ücreti toplama sistemi, ön ödemeli kayıtmýta)
Application for Registration into the Electronic Tolling System in the SR under the Prepaid Toll Regime - Italian ( RICHIESTA DI REGISTRAZIONE nel Sistema Elettronico in Repubblica Slovacca in regime di pagamento prepagato )
Application for Registration into the Electronic Tolling System in the SR under the Prepaid Toll Regime - Spanish (SOLICITUD DE REGISTRO en el sistema de peaje electrónico en Eslovaquia en el modo de peaje prepago)
Application for Registration into the Electronic Tolling System in the SR under the Prepaid Toll Regime - Romanian (CERERE DE ÎNREGISTRARE în Sistem electronic de taxă în RS la Regim preplătit de taxă)